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30 Heartening Walt Whitman quotes

Walt Whitman’s work has long been celebrated as some of the most influential poetry of the 19th century. He was the master of capturing feelings and experiences that often lacked words, yet resonated with many readers. His quotes have remained relevant and inspiring in literature, philosophy, and beyond. In this article, we will be exploring some of Whitman’s most memorable quotes and how they can be applied to our everyday lives.

About Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman is one of America’s most renowned poets, known for his works Leaves of Grass, and Song of Myself. Celebrated for his creativity, he was born on May 31st, 1819 in West Hills, New York. His parents were Walter Whitman Sr., a carpenter, and Louisa Van Velsor.

From an early age, Walt was encouraged to read and write by his father who had no formal education himself. The Whitman family moved frequently when Walt was young due to financial hardships they faced living in rural Long Island; however, this gave him the opportunity to experience different cultural backgrounds that would later influence his writing style.

Eventually, the family settled down in Brooklyn where Walt attended grammar school before going to college at the age of eleven. Whitman wrote at a time when American literature was still in its infancy; with only a few established authors on the scene.

He created an entirely new approach to writing through free verse – breaking away from traditional forms such as rhyme and meter, creating a much more personalized form of expression that allowed him to share intimate thoughts and ideas with his reader.

This truly revolutionary style had an immense influence on writers who followed, establishing Whitman as an integral part of American literary heritage.

Best Walt Whitman quotes

Walt Whitman was a pioneer of free verse poetry and is widely considered to be one of America’s most influential poets. His work has been immensely influential across generations and continues to be studied today. This article will explore some of his most profound quotations, which will provide a deeper look into his philosophy and life.

“Not I, Not Any One Else Can Travel That Road For You, You Must Travel It For Yourself….. It Is Not Far, It Is Within Reach, Perhaps You Have Been On It Since You Were Born And Did Not Know.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Now I See The Secret Of The Making Of The Best Persons, It Is To Grow In The Open Air And To Eat And Sleep With The Earth.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Crowds Of Men And Women Attired In The Usual Costumes, How Curious You Are To Me!”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“The Clock Indicates The Moment—But What Does Eternity Indicate?”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“I Celebrate Myself And Sing Myself, And What I Assume You Shall Assume, For Every Atom Belonging To Me As Good Belongs To You.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“You Shall Listen To All Sides And Filter Them From Yourself.”
-Walt Whitman

In our current world, it has become increasingly difficult to form opinions based on fact and truth. With so much information readily available and the rise of ‘fake news,’ it is even more important that we take the time to consider all sides of a story before forming our own beliefs. It is essential to be open-minded, but also vigilant when separating fact from fiction.

“A Great City Is That Which Has The Greatest Men And Women.”
-Walt Whitman
“Man Is Born Of Woman, Be Not Ashamed Women, You Are The Gates Of The Body, And You Are The Gates Of The Soul.”
-Walt Whitman
“Listen! I Will Be Honest With You, I Do Not Offer The Old Smooth Prizes But Offer Rough New Prizes, These Are The Days That Must Happen To You.”
-Walt Whitman
“Each Of Us Inevitable, Each Of Us Limitless—Each Of Us With His Or Her Right Upon The Earth, Each Of Us Here As Divinely As Any Is Here.”
-Walt Whitman
“How Do You Know Who Shall Come From The Offspring Of His Offspring Through The Centuries?”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Each Belongs Here Or Anywhere Just As Much As The Well-Off, Just As Much As You. Each Has His Or Her Place In The Procession.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Going Where I List, My Own Master Total And Absolute, Listening To Others, Considering Well What They Say, Pausing, Searching, Receiving, Contemplating, Gently, But With Undeniable Will.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Now I Re-Examine Philosophies And Religions, They May Proves Well In Lecture-Rooms, Yet Not Prove At All Under The Spacious Clouds And Along The Landscape And Flowing Currents.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“Behold, I Do Not Give Lectures Or A Little Charity, When I Give I Give Myself.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“I Exist As I Am, That Is Enough.”
-Walt Whitman

The idea of being true to oneself is something that many people strive for in life. To be comfortable and confident in one’s own skin is a feeling unlike any other. In today’s society, it can often feel like we are always trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. But the truth is, it is not necessary for us to try and fit into a certain mold or expectation; our existence is enough.

“I Stand And Look At Them Long And Long. They Do Not Sweat And Whine About Their Condition, They Do Not Lie Awake In The Dark And Weep For Their Sins, They Do Not Make Me Sick Discussing Their Duty To God, Not One Is Dissatisfied, Not One Is Demented With The Mania Of Owning Things, Not One Kneels To Another, Nor To His Kind That Lived Thousands Of Years Ago.”
-Walt Whitman
“Now It Is You, Compact, Visible, Realizing My Poems, Seeking Me, Fancying How Happy You Were If I Could Be With You And Become Your Comrade; Be It As If I Were With You. (Be Not Too Certain But I Am Now With You.)”
-Walt Whitman
“Others The Same—Others Who Look Back On Me Because I Looked Forward To Them.”
-Walt Whitman
“I Now Suspect There Is Something Fierce In You Eligible To Burst Forth.”
-Walt Whitman
“None Has Begun To Think How Divine He Himself Is, And How Certain The Future Is.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“I Understand The Large Hearts Of Heroes, The Courage Of Present Times And All Times.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“I Know Every One Of You, I Know The Sea Of Torment, Doubt, Despair, And Unbelief.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“I Project The History Of The Future.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes

Walt Whitman once wrote that the future holds untold secrets, and this rings true even today. In the article “I Project The History Of The Future,” we explore the idea of what our history may look like through the lens of a modern world. Taking into account global trends and developments, we will examine how these forces will shape our future. Through references to Walt Whitman’s writings, we will delve into his prescience about the future and how it still resonates with us today.

“There Was Never Any More Inception Than There Is Now, Nor Any More Youth Or Age Than There Is Now, And Will Never Be Any More Perfection Than There Is Now, Nor Any More Heaven Or Hell Than There Is Now.”
-Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman quotes
“All Truths Wait In All Things. The Insignificant Is As Big To Me As Any.”
-Walt Whitman
“What Is That You Express In Your Eyes? It Seems To Me More Than All The Print I Have Read In My Life.”
-Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman is known for his poetic works that capture the beauty of nature, life and human emotion. His famous quote “What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life” is a testament to his use of language to convey the power of love and compassion. This article will explore what this phrase means within its original context, as well as how it has been interpreted over time.

“I Will Show That There Is No Imperfection In The Present, And Can Be None In The Future, And I Will Show That Whatever Happens To Anybody It May Be Turn’D To Beautiful Results, And I Will Show That Nothing Can Happen More Beautiful Than Death, And I Will Thread A Thread Through My Poems That Time And Events Are Compact, And That All The Things Of The Universe Are Perfect Miracles, Each As Profound As Any.”
-Walt Whitman
“Do I Contradict Myself? Very Well Then, I Contradict Myself, (I Am Large, I Contain Multitudes.)”
-Walt Whitman
“Poets To Come! Orators, Singers, Musicians To Come! Arouse! For You Must Justify Me.”
-Walt Whitman


What is Walt Whitman best known for?

Leaves of Grass

What did Walt Whitman suffer from?

In 1873, Whitman suffered a stroke that left him partially paralyzed.

What is the main message of the poem?

The theme is the lesson or message of the poem.

Let’s Wind Up

Walt Whitman’s quotes are a testament to his wisdom and insight. His ability to capture the beauty of life in a few words is nothing short of remarkable. Each quote has the potential to inspire us, challenge our perspectives, and give us a better understanding of the world around us. We can use these quotes as reminders that life is complex and unpredictable, while also being beautiful and full of possibility.