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20 Peaceful Quotes from Master Oogway

Master Oogway is one of the most beloved and respected characters in the Kung Fu Panda franchise. He was a wise and powerful master who served as a mentor to Po, the main character of the series. Master Oogway lived during a time of great peace in ancient China and was revered for his spiritual enlightenment and martial arts skills. His life story is full of interesting anecdotes and lessons about living with purpose and passion.

About Master Oogway

Master Oogway is a revered martial arts master And teacher of the beloved Kung Fu Panda movie series. His wisdom has made an impact on audiences around the world and his teachings are still remembered by fans to this day. Oogway was known for his intelligent advice and incredible strength in battle. He was a true warrior, having won numerous battles against powerful enemies using only his skills as a master of kung fu.

He also had a special connection with animals, which enabled him to understand them at a deeper level. Oogway’s kind heart and strong sense of justice were evident through his compassionate words, actions, and deeds throughout the series. The legacy of Master Oogway will continue to live on in our hearts forever as we experience firsthand the power of his wise guidance in our lives. 

Oogway is considered to be one of the four founding masters of kung fu along with Po, Tigress, and Shifu. As a grandmaster in various styles such as Wudang Tai Chi Chuan and Shaolin Five-Animal Styles Kung Fu, Master Oogway had a deep understanding of chi energy and used it for both offensive and defensive purposes. His mastery over ch’i energy enabled him to perform impressive feats such as levitation or redirecting lightning without ever having to move physically.

Some Inspirational Master Oogway Quotes

“When will you realize? The more you take, the less you have.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes

When will you realize that the more you take, the less you have? We are living in a world where we can never seem to get enough. Whether it’s material possessions, power, or money, there’s always something else we want. Unfortunately, this attitude has led us down a dangerous path with dire consequences. For example, when it comes to natural resources like oil and gas, overconsumption has led to massive climate change and environmental degradation. 

The same goes for our economic system; as people continue to strive for bigger and better things without considering what they’re taking away from others or the planet at large, inequality increases and wealth disparities widen even further. The truth is that if we want to live sustainably and create a better future for ourselves and those around us, then we need to start taking only what is necessary.

“Who knows the ways of the universe? Accident? Or destiny? That is the secret.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes
“Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes
“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes

No matter what you do, it’s important to remember that if you only ever do what you know how to do, or what feels comfortable and familiar, then you will likely never exceed the current level at which you are functioning. It’s when we take risks, try something new and challenging, and push ourselves beyond our comfort zone that we really start to grow. We must be willing to step into the unknown in order to develop and progress in any meaningful way. 

This could mean taking a course on a subject of interest, joining an unfamiliar group or organization, or simply talking with someone interesting about their life experiences. Taking stock of the things that hold us back can also be beneficial; fear of failure is one such obstacle but it can lead us in new directions if we choose to use it as motivation rather than allowing it to stop us from achieving our goals.

“You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can come in between you and your destiny except you. Take destiny by the horns and have fun.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes
Shop owner: “Ugh, who cares who wins? Those three are a disgrace to kung fu.” Oogway: “I think they will all lose until they find a battle worth fighting.”
-Master Oogway
“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.”
-Master Oogway

The famous quote “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be” has been around for centuries and stands as a testament to the power of personal growth. Many times, people feel they are limited by their past and that their current circumstances will dictate their future. However, with dedication and hard work, anyone can take control of their life no matter where they started. 

Everyone has the ability to transform themselves into whoever or whatever they want to be. Everyone is capable of reaching their goals no matter how difficult it may seem. Whether you want to start a business, learn a new skill, or completely change your career path – it’s never too late! It takes dedication and courage but with the right attitude, anything is possible. It doesn’t matter where you come from; everyone has the potential for greatness within them.

Oogway: “I know how you can all get what you want. Not just fame and fortune.” Thundering Rhino: “And how’s that?” Oogway: “By changing course. When the path you walk always leads back to yourself, you never get anywhere…”
-Master Oogway
“There is always something more to learn. Even for a master.”
-Master Oogway

It is often said that when it comes to learning, there is no end. No matter how much one knows, there are always more lessons to be learned and skills to be acquired. Even a master of a certain subject or craft must never become complacent in the knowledge they have already gained. Instead, they should strive to reach even greater heights by taking on new challenges and expanding their horizons.

“Nothing is impossible.”
-Master Oogway
“Use your skills for good, young warrior. Find the one thing you were denied so long ago — compassion.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes
Oogway: “Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time… No matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach. Shifu: “But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!” Oogway: “Maybe it can… If you are willing to guide it, to nurture it. To believe in it.”
-Master Oogway
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Oogway: “My old friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.”
-Master Oogway
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“One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.”
-Master Oogway
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The idea that one’s destiny may be just around the corner, despite our best efforts to avoid it, is a fairly common concept. It suggests that no matter how far we try to run away from our fate, ultimately it will catch up with us in the end. This article will explore this concept further by delving into the depths of the phrase “One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it”.

“My time has come. You must continue your journey… without me. You must… believe. Promise me you’ll believe.”
-Master Oogway
master oogway quotes
“It’s so nice to see you’ve managed to take the most respected art form in China and use it to pursue nothing but fame.”
-Master Oogway
Oogway: “Shifu, there is a matter of the utmost importance.” Shifu: “What could be more important than preparing for battle?” Oogway: “Food! Let’s order in.”-
Master Oogway
Oogway: “There are no accidents.” Shifu: [sighs] “Yes, I know. You said that already… twice.” 
Oogway: “Well, that was no accident either.” Shifu: “…Thrice.”
-Master Oogway
Thundering Rhino: “Uh, excuse me! [stuck between two cliff faces after Oogway pushed him there] But how exactly does this help us get across?” Oogway: “It doesn’t. It helps me. And by helping me, you help yourself.”
-Master Oogway
“Quit, don’t quit. Noodles, don’t noodles… You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”
-Master Oogway


What does Master Oogway say at death?

Oogway realized that he was about to die: “My time has come, you must continue your journey without me… You must believe.”

Is Master Oogway wise?

Highly venerated for his wisdom, knowledge, and experience, Oogway was considered by many to be a sage.

Is Oogway or Po stronger?

As of right now, Po is second only to Oogway when it comes to combat.

Let’s Wind Up

Master Oogway quotes serve as a reminder of how powerful and wise words can be. His teachings bring to light the importance of living in harmony with one’s environment and viewing life from an enlightened perspective. His messages are profound, yet simple, giving us a roadmap for living our best lives. Master Oogway quotes are timeless, adorning many walls around the world as daily inspirations.