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50 Jack Kerouac Quotes That Will Make You Rethink Life

Jack Kerouac, known as the father of the Beat Generation, was a writer who influenced countless readers and writers with his unique style and philosophy. His spontaneous and raw writing style captured the essence of the counterculture movement in America during the 1950s and 60s.

Apart from his literary works, Kerouac is also known for his insightful quotes that continue to resonate with audiences today. These quotes reflect his unconventional lifestyle, spiritual beliefs, and artistic vision. From poignant musings on love to introspective reflections on life, Jack Kerouac’s words have inspired generations to embrace their individuality and live life on their own terms.

About Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac was an American novelist and poet who is best known for his role in the Beat Generation of the 1950s. Born in Massachusetts in 1922 to French-Canadian parents, Kerouac grew up in a working-class environment that would later influence his writing style. He attended Columbia University on a football scholarship but dropped out after a year due to financial difficulties.

Kerouac’s most famous work, “On the Road,” was published in 1957 and became an instant classic. The novel is based on Kerouac’s own travels across America with his friends Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg. It is known for its stream-of-consciousness style and its portrayal of drug use, casual sex, and jazz music – all of which were taboo subjects at the time.

Despite his reputation as a free-spirited writer and poet, Kerouac actually enlisted in the United States Navy during World War II. He served as a Merchant Marine on several ships before being honorably discharged due to digestive issues.

Top Jack Kerouac Quotes

Kerouac’s work continues to inspire generations of writers, artists, and musicians who seek to break free from societal norms and explore new ways of expression. In this article, we have compiled some of the most memorable quotes from Jack Kerouac’s writings that capture his unique perspective on life, love, freedom, and creativity.

“Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that ***** mountain”
– Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Quotes
“I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.”
– Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Quotes
“No fear or shame in the dignity of yr experience, language & knowledge”
– Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Quotes
“There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.”
– Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Quotes

There is something magical about the open road and the freedom it offers. With no set destination in mind, you can just keep on rolling under the stars, taking in all of the beauty that surrounds you. It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling alone or with friends; there’s always a sense of adventure waiting just around the corner.

The best part about hitting the road and exploring new places is that there are endless possibilities. You never know who you might meet or what kind of experiences await you. Whether it’s trying new foods, discovering hidden gems off the beaten path, or simply enjoying breathtaking views, every moment becomes an opportunity to create lasting memories.

At times when life feels stagnant or overwhelming, hitting the open road can be just what we need to gain a fresh perspective. It reminds us of all that’s out there waiting for us and helps us feel connected to something much bigger than ourselves.

“Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.”
– Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac Quotes
“All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.”
– Jack Kerouac
“What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.”
– Jack Kerouac
“I was surprised, as always, be how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry.”
– Jack Kerouac
“A pain stabbed my heart as it did every time I saw a girl I loved who was going the opposite direction in this too-big world.”
– Jack Kerouac
“All I wanted to do was sneak out into the night and disappear somewhere, and go and find out what everybody was doing all over the country.”
– Jack Kerouac
“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Don’t use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.”
– Jack Kerouac
“The Beat Generation, that was a vision that we had, John Clellon Holmes and I, and Allen Ginsberg in an even wilder way, in the late forties, of a generation of crazy, illuminated hipsters suddenly rising and roaming America, serious, bumming and hitchhiking everywhere, ragged, beatific, beautiful in an ugly graceful new way.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Holding up my purring cat to the moon. I sighed.”
– Jack Kerouac
“The closer you get to real matter, rock air fire, and wood, boy, the more spiritual the world is.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“I hope it is true that a man can die and yet not only live in others but give them life, and not only life but that great consciousness of life.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Put down the pen someone else gave you. No one ever drafted a life worth living on borrowed ink.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“You can’t live in this world but there’s nowhere else to go.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“And as far as I can see the world is too old for us to talk about it with our new words.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Whither goest thou, America, in thy shiny car in the night?”
– Jack Kerouac
“Be in love with your life, every detail of it.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH…”
– Jack Kerouac
“Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken.”
– Jack Kerouac
“If you tell a true story, you can’t be wrong.”
– Jack Kerouac
“The empty blue sky of space says ‘All this comes back to me, then goes again, and comes back again, then goes again, and I don’t care, it still belongs to me”
– Jack Kerouac
“There was nothing to talk about anymore. The only thing to do was go.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Don’t stop to think of the words when you do stop, just stop to think of the picture better and let your mind off yourself in this work.”
– Jack Kerouac
“My whole wretched life swam before my weary eyes, and I realized no matter what you do it’s bound to be a waste of time in the end so you might as well go mad.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Pain or love or danger makes you real again….”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“I’m going to marry my novels and have little short stories for children.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“And when the fog’s over and the stars and the moon come out at night it’ll be a beautiful sight.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West

As the sun sets and darkness descends upon the world, it’s easy to feel a sense of melancholy. However, when the fog clears and the stars start twinkling in the sky, everything changes. Suddenly, there is a sense of wonder that fills the air.

There is something about being able to see all those tiny specks of light that make us feel small yet significant at the same time. It’s as if we are part of something bigger than ourselves – something grand and beautiful. At night, we can forget our worries for a while and simply bask in the beauty of nature.

If you haven’t had a chance to stargaze on a clear night, you’re missing out on one of life’s simplest pleasures. It doesn’t matter where you are or what your view looks like – taking some time to appreciate this natural wonder will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

“Jumping from boulder to boulder and never falling, with a heavy pack, is easier than it sounds; you just can’t fall when you get into the rhythm of the dance.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Dean’s California–wild, sweaty, important, the land of lonely and exiled and eccentric lovers come to forgather like birds, and the land where everybody somehow looked like broken-down, handsome, decadent movie actors.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved.”
– Jack Kerouac
“On soft Spring nights, I’ll stand in the yard under the stars – Something good will come out of all things yet – And it will be golden and eternal just like that – There’s no need to say another word.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Some of my most neurotically fierce bitterness is the result of realizing how untrue people have become.”
– Jack Kerouac
“I looked up at the dark sky and prayed to God for a better break in life and a better chance to do something for the little people I loved.”
– Jack Kerouac
“It always makes me proud to love the world somehow- hate’s so easy compared.”
– Jack Kerouac
“No man should go through life without once experiencing healthy, even bored solitude in the wilderness, finding himself depending solely on himself and thereby learning his true and hidden strength”
– Jack Kerouac
“My aunt once said that the world would never find peace until men fell at their women’s feet and asked for forgiveness.”
– Jack Kerouac

My aunt’s statement might seem like an exaggeration, but when we look at the current state of the world, it seems to hold some truth. Throughout history, men have held positions of power and authority over women. They have suppressed their voices and denied their basic human rights. This has led to a sense of resentment and anger among women that has been brewing for centuries.

However, my aunt’s statement isn’t meant to belittle or demean men. It is a call for change – a plea for men to recognize the harm they have caused and make amends. It is only through genuine apology and acknowledgment of past wrongs that true healing can take place. Women aren’t asking for domination or control; rather, they are seeking equality and respect in all aspects of life – be it social, political, or economic.

“Life must be rich and full of loving–it’s no good otherwise, no good at all, for anyone.”
– Jack Kerouac
“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.”
– Jack Kerouac
“My witness is the empty sky.”
– Jack Kerouac
“I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Better to sleep in an uncomfortable bed free, than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Be crazy dumb saint of the mind.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Forgive everyone for your own sins and be sure to tell them you love them which you do.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West
“Roaring dreams take place in a perfectly silent mind. Now that we know this, throw the raft away.”
– Jack Kerouac
University Canada West


What is a famous quote, Jack Kerouac?

“Happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream.”

What is the famous quote from On the Road?

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”

What is the quote from the Portable Jack Kerouac?

We were never really born, we will never really die.

Let’s Wind Up…

Jack Kerouac’s words continue to inspire generations with their raw honesty and unfiltered emotion. His quotes are a testament to the power of one’s own individuality and the importance of self-expression. They serve as a reminder that life is meant to be experienced, not just observed from afar. As we reflect on his wisdom, let us be inspired to embrace our own unique journeys and live our lives with passion and authenticity. Take a moment today to read through some of Kerouac’s quotes and see how they resonate with you. Let them be a guide as you navigate your own path.