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49 Badass Beth Dutton Quotes

Beth Dutton is known for her fierce and fiery attitude, and her words are just as powerful as her actions. Whether she’s threatening those who stand in her way or giving sage advice to those she loves, As one of the show’s most beloved characters, many fans have taken to quoting Beth’s unique and savage words.

The Character of Beth Dutton in Yellowstone

Yellowstone is a drama series that has captivated audiences worldwide with its stunning cinematography, remarkable character development, and gripping storylines. The show focuses on the fictional Dutton family, who live and work on their ranch in Montana. They face daily struggles of power, loyalty, and the consequences of their decisions while trying to protect their land from outside forces at all costs.

In this epic drama series, viewers are taken on a wild ride as the Duttons fight for survival alongside a cast of charismatic characters. Followers learn about the complexities of life in Montana as they watch John Dutton (played by Kevin Costner) battle to keep his family legacy alive in an ever-changing landscape.

Beth Dutton has quickly become one of television’s most iconic anti-heroes. Played by Golden Globe nominee Kelly Reilly, Beth is a powerhouse of a woman who never backs down from a challenge and always fights for what she believes in. With her deadpan delivery and no-nonsense attitude, Beth is a force to be reckoned with as she navigates the treacherous waters of life on the Dutton Ranch.

Beth quite nicely introduces herself when she says these lines in season 4 of the series-  

“Only the good die young. If a meteor strikes Earth tonight, it is me and the cockroaches running this motherfucker tomorrow.”
~Beth Dutton

Savage Quotes By Beth Dutton

Beth’s sassiness is unparalleled. With her iconic catchphrases and inspiring quotes, Beth has become an icon of female strength in pop culture. let’s learn about some of her most savage quotes:

“You are the trailer park. I am the tornado.”
– Beth Dutton 
Beth Dutton Quotes
“You should try Zumba. Get your cardio up.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“I’m chopping your family tree down.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“No, I’m fine. It’s a brand new me. Money’s my new drug. It’s my favorites’.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

This phrase is often used by those who are focused on their financial goals, and it speaks to the power of money as a motivator in life. 

The quote suggests that instead of relying on traditional vices like drugs and alcohol, money has become an addiction for some people, an obsession they can’t shake off or ignore. 

Whether this mindset is healthy or not may be up for debate; the person saying this quote might have made the decision to use money as a tool for success, with ambitions of achieving financial freedom in mind.

“You should really consider killing yourself.”
– Beth Dutton
“I think my father’s reputation should warrant a little trust.”
– Beth Dutton
“Martinis, on the other hand, contain vermouth and are enjoyed with companions. These aren’t my pals, and I don’t like vermouth.”
– Beth Dutton
“Your company will be chapter eleven by Friday, and since we are your largest creditors, I can promise you there’ll be no negotiating then.”
– Beth Dutton
“They f*ckd with the wrong bull, daddy.”
– Beth Dutton
“No one wants to merge with you. You have a three-to-one debt ratio. It’d be easier to sell VCRs.”
– Beth Dutton
“I gotta tell you something, and it comes from a place of love.”
– Beth Dutton

This quote is often used as a way to encourage someone in a difficult situation. It has been spoken by parents, friends, and mentors alike, reminding us that the advice they are giving comes from a place of love. It implies that whatever the speaker is going to say may not be easy to hear, but it will ultimately be beneficial in the long run.

“You look like a real soft f*ck. All of you city boys do.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“I’m not f*ck*ng you, I’m f*ck*ng her. And if you have a brother I’m f*ck*ng him too.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“The sting never fades with me; it is a painful lesson and one you are about to learn.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

Whether a mistake was made in the past or an experience that has been shared, the sting of these moments can remain with us for an extended period.

The message behind this quote is clear: there are consequences for our actions, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot escape them forever. Everyone makes mistakes eventually, and if we are not careful about what we do, the pain and the lesson that comes with it can linger long after the event has passed.

“F*ck, now I see. You think you’re gonna get him to trust you by making him not trust me? I wish you and your bird balls the best of luck.”
– Beth Dutton
“You are many things, baby, but funny is not one of them. Sorry.”
– Beth Dutton
“I’m going to get you disbarred, you spineless piece of sh*t. You should never have come home.”
– Beth Dutton
“ Just tell me who to fight. Not sure the world does slow down, Dad.”
– Beth Dutton
“Wow, that’s really deep, Jamie. You must be watching Ted Talks on Youtube”
– Beth Dutton

It’s important to remember that if someone responds with “Wow, that’s really deep” after an idea or statement is shared, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the idea itself is complex or difficult to comprehend.

“Morning, gentlemen. I’m hunting too, just not hunting you.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“For someone with no spine, you’ve sure got a lot of balls”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“What insight. No wonder you’re governor.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“Oh, Dad. The blush was f*cked out of me years ago.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

Inspirational Beth Dutton’s quotes

Life is full of lessons. Some are learned the hard way, while others can be found in unexpected places. But why bother learning these lessons when you can read about them directly from the great Beth Dutton’s one-liners.

In this part, we’ll discuss some of the most inspirational life lessons quotes that run throughout the show and explore what it is about them that makes them so iconic:

“You can’t unmake family Jamie, but you can take their gold card.”
– Beth Dutton
“Fear drove me to make two decisions in my life that lost me everything.”
– Beth Dutton
“All of the following are things I don’t believe: I don’t think you’re capable of swallowing your pride and making a positive contribution to this family. I don’t think our father will ever trust you again, which is why I don’t think you have a place here.”
– Beth Dutton
“I have been down this road many, many times before, buddy. And no one who tried it is alive to tell you how poorly that worked out for them.”
– Beth Dutton
“I am the rock that therapists smash their heads against.”
– Beth Dutton

This quote has a dual meaning that can be interpreted in different ways. On the one hand, it could mean that no therapist is able to pierce through and understand the depths of a person’s thoughts and feelings; this may be true for some individuals who feel too guarded or uncomfortable with open communication.

On the other hand, it could also mean that no matter how hard someone tries to delve into their psyche and uncover their innermost feelings, they will never fully understand what lies beneath the surface.

“I adore how people believe that word qualifies them to forgiveness from the people whose lives they ruin.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“When all this is over, I’m gonna hang your diploma above my toilet in my guest house. You have my word.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“Your grandfather used to say you can’t fix a broken wagon wheel, but you can use the parts to make a new one.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“Nothing’s wrong. It’s just life. Always changing.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

The quote speaks about the constant state of transformation and fluctuation that we all experience in our lives. It is an acknowledgment of the fact that life is rarely static but rather ever-evolving and dynamic in its nature. This statement reminds us to accept change as a part of life and make peace with its inevitable presence instead of resisting it or wishing it away.

The quote encourages us to stay open-minded in the face of change, realizing that new experiences can lead to positive growth and transformation for ourselves if we approach them with the right attitude.

“I think heaven’s right here. So’s hell. One person can be walking the clouds right next to someone enduring eternal damnation. And God is the land. Don’t say it. It doesn’t mean anything on a roof, under stars like a bunch of f*cking hippies.”
– Beth Dutton
“I’m gonna tell you a little secret. The more you become what he wanted you to become, the more he’ll hate you for it. And he does hate you for it. We all do.”
– Beth Dutton
“It’s only the things I love that die, Rip, never me… Come to think of it, I’m surprised you’re still standing.”
– Beth Dutton
“Every now and then, you say something that makes me think you’re smart, and then I look at you and that thug’s face.
– Beth Dutton

Have you ever met someone that didn’t quite live up to their reputation? We all have that one friend who says something every now and then that makes us think they are smart, but when we take a closer look, we can’t help but laugh. this quote perfectly sums up this situation. 

We’ve all been in this situation before where our expectations are high for our friends based on the smart remark they just made. But their face says it all when we take a closer look at them. There is nothing wrong with having an intellectual moment here and there or even having a bit of streetwise knowledge every once in a while.

“The only reason you’re not choking on irony is the size of your mouth.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“I know that now, and now is all that matters.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“That’s a conversation for another time.… that we’ll never have.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“When you go to war with someone, you want them emotional. You want them angry. The more they feel, the less they think.
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

The idea behind the quote is that emotions can be used to gain an advantage in any type of conflict. When one person or group gets too angry or emotional, they can become irrational and make hasty decisions that may not be in their best interests. This means that if someone wants to win a war or battle, they have to understand how the other’s emotions can affect their decision-making process and use it to their advantage.

“I don’t speak dipshit.”
– Beth Dutton
“My mother was the spine of this family. She was the Centre. And without her, he’s, well, the best of him died with her.”
– Beth Dutton
“That’s interesting. When I’m here, I understand me less.”
– Beth Dutton
“When you consider the pain that you cause a person the person’s fault… that’s evil.”
– Beth Dutton

This is one of many thought-provoking quotes related to morality and ethical behavior. This quote implies that if someone causes another person suffering or harm, they are responsible for their actions, regardless of any mitigating circumstances. It suggests that there is an inherent level of moral responsibility attached to causing others pain, particularly when it comes to intentional harm.

“Just tell me who to fight. Not sure the world does slow down, Dad.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“I believe in lovin’ with your whole soul and destroying anything that wants to kill what you love. That’s it. That’s all there is.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“I cared once f*cked me all up.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“Don’t judge us for the way we’re protecting the thing we’re giving you.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes
“You know, houses are like boats. They need to be Christened.”
– Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton Quotes

This intriguing quote is more than just a metaphor; it has profound implications for anyone looking to buy or build a home.

The quote encourages us to view our homes not as physical structures but as symbols of safety and sanctuary. Christening a boat is meant to protect it against bad luck and misfortune, and this concept can also be applied to buying or building a house. The idea behind christening your house isn’t just superstition; it’s about establishing an atmosphere of security in which all those who inhabit it can thrive.

Let’s Wind Up…

In conclusion, Beth Dutton has gone from being an unknown entity to a character beloved by many. Her fierce loyalty, unwavering commitment, and unapologetic nature have made her a strong female role model. She is the embodiment of strength and determination, no matter the cost.

Beth’s journey will continue to inspire women everywhere to stand up for what they believe in and never back down. As she herself often says: “I’m not afraid of anything.”